Microblading is not recommended for those with oily skin. Clients with oily skin are recommended to get shading or combination brows (shading and microblading). The following excludes clients for microblading:

– Under 18 years old
– Pregnant or nursing
– If you have skin diseases such as Shingles, psoriasis or eczema on the area of treatment
– Allergies to makeup or allergies to previous PMU Keloid disorder, HIV/Hepatitis, skin cancer, hemophilia, or if you’re taking skin medications like ro-accutane and steroids.

Between 1 to 2 years. This will vary depending on skin type, lifestyle, and following recommended aftercare.

A microblading service consists of a consultation where we discuss your lifestyle and desired results. Next we map the brows according to the natural symmetry of your face. Once we agree on the brow shape, the procedure takes about an hour and a half. The entire session takes a total of about 3 hours.

You will leave your appointment looking beautiful! The first 7-10 days, you’ll need to avoid getting them wet(including sweating from working out) or wearing brow makeup. For more details, please review the complete after care instructions.

Most clients experience little to no pain, and compare it to the feeling of tweezing or light scratching. Topical anesthetic is applied prior to and during the procedure.